Friday, May 22, 2009

Not even Bikini girl can save Idol.

Dickie Dunn here, with some quick commentary.
look like the economy is picking up. Either that or the gov't pushed so much cash into the system that we haven't seen this much Cash flying around since Javon Walker and Floyd Mayweather Jr had a "make it rain" contest at that strip club in Vegas. A short while later Javon was found laying in the street with the snot kicked out of him. So keep that in mind when you're making investments.
Economic commentary isn't why I broke my long silence. It's this:

How much longer can American Idol last?

Hasn't this show run it's course? remember when only the winner got a record deal? Now you just have to make top ten and you're available for download 24 hours after you get booted. Well, except for Sanjaya...but he sucked harder than Carl Lewis trying to sing the national anthem.
But seriously, hasn't their target demographic aged out of that show. I look at myself. First season, didn't watch. Second season, my then girlfriend and current wife, liked it so I watched and we pretty much watched every episode since then. Now we're in season 8 and I hardly watch. Maybe a couple times on tivo. I don't even think my wife voted this year, I didn't even bother to ask. What's happened you say? Well, I got married and my wife pushed out a couple of shorties and now instead of sitting down at 8pm to watch Seacrest and Simon flirt with each other, I'm giving kids baths or picking up Elmo crap. We try to watch it on Tivo but it's not the same and so here we are. I have to think I'm not alone. Has their core audience grown up and evolved past the show? I mean all those high school sophomores probably still watch. But I don't think corporate sponsors like Ford and Coke are targeting people who don't drive yet. In this age of belt tightening with marketing dollars getting whacked like a fat Italian in a bad mob movie, you gotta wonder. Don't even get me started on Kara " I'm just trying to find out who you are as an Artist" Diaguardi. How long did Starsearch last? Every good idea runs it's course. Like pegged jeans and those baggy pants that Hammer used to wear. Stay tuned, Dickie Dunn out.

1 comment:

Sylv said...

I thought you were talking about this year..then realized you were referencing last season...same goes for this season...for me, haven't watched an episode yet...time for AI to go don't you think?!