Friday, September 5, 2008

NFL Week 1 Picks are here!!!!

Wally's Post:
The NFL season has arrived and some of my early season predictions continue to be validated. Just a few mentions about my “told-you-so’s” from my previous post. First, Roger Goodell continues to baffle by once again suspending a Bengal (Chris Henry) for something he was legally acquitted of and reward the cowboys with full reinstatement for Pac Man. Apparently, in Gooddell’s mindset a few indescretions with alcohol/drugs is far worse than performing acts that leave people paralyzed, beating up strippers, spitting on fellow human beings. Oh wait, maybe it has more to do with making sure that every PSL in the 100,000 seat new Cowboy’s stadium gets sold. Either way, I’m glad that I am a Redskins fan and not from Houston. Oh and Chad Johnson, way to make a legal name change to try and make the fans forget that you totally dissed their club. Quite cunning.

Anyway, this year, Dickie Dunn and I will be having a little competition against the odds makers. I’ll give you a little rundown about where I am going with my picks:

First, I did take the Redskins to cover, last night...

Something made me think that Washington’s last two preseason games were a fluke and that Jason Campbell & Jim Zorn did have a clue about how to run an offense. Boy, was I wrong. After watching the first quarter and a half of offensive series, it was very apparent that Campbell expected the Giants D to come out just like the Washington scout team had in practice. When that didn’t happen, Campbell didn’t seem to have any idea about what was going on. He was so bad at reading the defense that Zorn had to put him on “passing probation” and not let him throw the ball for around nine straight downs during the second quarter. I should prohibit myself from picking my teams, but I somehow talked myself into “things being better than they are”.

On a side not, I was thinking about sending Zorn a “Football Coaching for Dummies” book, just to make sure that he has the basics down (You know “When inside of 5 minutes and down by 2 scores, it’s best to try and call/run a play in as short amount of time as possible” or “Tell your quarterback that dumping the ball off underneath on fourth and 13, with no time left on the clock, to his backup running back will be equally as successful as throwing an interception into the end zone” or “Ten yards makes a first down” or “Don’t smile and chuckle in your post game interview when you have just thoroughly embarrassed yourself”). You know; “the basics”.

Okay, enough of that, on to everything else that I like:

Something’s wrong with that Bills-Seahawks line, its weird when an inept offense is favored over a decent one.

I like my subscription to the “Chad Pennington gets revenge on his old squad which he just happens to be playing in week 1” theory.

If the Patriots line was doubled, I’d still have to think long and hard about taking them.

Cleveland will have to pull out all of the stops to try and show that last season wasn’t a fluke (and still comes up short, starting their downward spiral back to less-than-mediocrity). But that line seems lower than it should be (considering the way the Cowboys usually play until week 12).

I can’t believe I am picking Tavaris Jackson to go on the road and win (against a quality defense). Says more about the time which I am expecting the Green Bay offense to be on the field as opposed to defense.

In the battle of backups which have usurped former first round picks as the starter (Cardinals vs. Niners). Take the experience (aka Warner, can’t believe I just typed that..)

And finally, in the “cut off your pinky toe to make some money” game of the week take the Lions over the Falcons. I haven’t been one of those who jumped on the Lions band wagon over the last few years and am still skeptical. All I am saying is Matt Ryan won’t know where he is until about 2 minutes left in the 3rd. Kitna, Megatron and Roy have all looked very solid in the preseason. The D has played very well (anyone else watch the Lions D dismantle Brady Quinn? Didn’t think so). And Rudi is around to share some carries with the rookie. ->Seems<- like a “no brainer”.

And a good day to you, sir.

Wally Sobchak

Home TeamLineOpponentWally's PickDickie's Pick
NY Giants-3.5WashingtonWashingtonNY Giants
Miami+2.5NY JetsMiamiMiami
New England-16.5Kansas CityNew EnglandNew England
New Orleans-3.5Tampa BayNew OrleansNew Orleans
Philadelphia-7.5St. LouisPhiladelphiaPhiladelphia
San Diego-9.5CarolinaCarolinaSan Diego
San Francisco+2.5ArizonaArizonaArizona
Green Bay-2.5MinnesotaMinnesotaGreen Bay

Dickie's Post:
Dickie Dunn here. I’m going to be bringing you some NFL picks this week. But first I have some random observations that have come to me since my last post.
Directv has given me three free months of Showtime for being such a long time loyal customer. I’m pretty sure this means I spend too much on my monthly cable bill but someone has to watch “The Thirsty Traveler” and my life wouldn’t be complete without 6 different home shopping channels. Getting to my main point, I was watching Clerks 2 chatting on the phone with my man in Amsterdam, Wally Solbchak and something struck me. It has to do with the music that was playing in the movie, it was the tune from Silence of the Lambs where Buffalo Bob dresses up like a woman and tucks tackle in front of the mirror. Possibly the most disturbing moment of the movie for me. Keep in mind this was a movie that featured Hannibal Lector wearing another guy’s face to escape from some prison guards. Anyways, this music is playing and it’s become famous because of this scene and I couldn’t help but feel bad for this artist who probably spent his whole life trying to be creative, finally had his big break when one of his songs got picked to be in this huge summer blockbuster and it’s forever associated with some dude playing “hide the hammer” with his twig and berries. I hope his Grandma didn’t attend the premiere is all I’m saying.
Only thing worse would be the Valtrex guy, you think video from him saying “I’ve got Herpes” wasn’t played by his buddies at his Bachelor party? Me neither.
Now for the soon to be famous, often imitated but never duplicated, often wrong but never in doubt, picks from Dickie “The Greek” Dunn.

There are only two things in life better than handicapping NFL games. I’ll let you figure out the first one. As for the second one? Well that’s actually being in Vegas laying real money on these games. So until I’m independently wealthy and can quit my day job, this is all you get.

I took the Giants on Thursday, probably more of a pick against the Redskins O than anything else.

I took Cincinnati and the points against the Ravens. The Bengals are bad but I’d sooner have dental work done through my prostate than take a rookie starter coming from I-AA.

I like Miami and the Figgie, I don’t feel great about it but I think Pennington might be worth a few points with the whole revenge factor thing going.

Like the head coach from Teen Wolf , There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese. Oh yeah, never trust Herm Edwards or the Chiefs under any circumstances.

I took the Steelers; they always seem to start strong and then fade down the stretch. Not sure the Texans have arrived yet. I’ll take the dudes with the yellow towels but, I don’t feel great about it.

I think the Jags cover the three and Jeff Fischer finds a way to blame his players for him not making any good coaching calls down the stretch.

The Lions started fast last year and I think they’ll do so again until people realize all you have to do is put pressure on Kitna and he folds like the Philistines.

No way Holmgren and the boys go into Buffalo and lose. Unless Hasselback gets into a wing eating contest the night before at the Elks lodge in Lackawanna up on Route 6.

I like the Saints minus the 3, since they’re home and Shockey hasn't been seen on Bourbon Street for a couple of weeks.

I went back and forth on the Eagles and Rams. It’s a lot of points and there’s no way the Rams can be as bad as they were last year right? Right? Give me the Eagles, McNabb’s healthy and they should be decent until his groin falls off in week 9.

Gotta go with the Cowboys, I think the Browns are this years 2007 Ravens. They got lucky as hell last year and think they’re better than they are.

Give the Chargers, lay the 8 ½. Norv Turner sucks but so does John Fox and there’s no Steve Smith.

Take the Cards but don’t bet the mortgage.

Take the Colts and pray Manning’s knee is up to snuff and they don’t miss their center.

I like Green Bay. Good defensive battle potential here. That’s studio speak for boring game.

Gotta go with the Raiders in week one, they’re my team and seem to be improving. McFadden’s got some hope in his step and Huggie Bear is sneaky. Hopefully the defense can hold up over the season. But week 1, they should be fired up.

There you have em. All of our week one picks, completely free and worth every penny.

Until Beer with Breakfast is socially acceptable, Dickie "The Greek" Dunn.

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