Friday, October 17, 2008

Week 7 Picks- Pinkie Watch Hour 120.

Dickie Dunn here, Before you get all riled up, and complain about no week 6 picks let's get a few things straight. One, I have a day job. Two, that day job involves the stock market. Yes, THAT stock market. And Three, my wife gave birth to our second daughter last week. Needless to say I’ve been a bit busy. You can even throw in a fourth disclaimer, owing to excuses two and three, my picks probably would’ve stunk, well, stunk worse than usual. So let’s just pretend I went 50/50 last week and all you’re out is the juice. We cool G?

Ok onto Antonio Ramiro Romo’s pinkie. Look, playing with any injury hurts, and if he guts it out, kudos to him. Let’s just hope he doesn’t do any nerve damage to the thing ala Anthony Munoz’s pinkie, have you seen that thing? Talk about ugly appendages, I haven’t seen something that nasty hanging off a person since Bruce Campbell battled the Army of Darkness and evil Bruce popped out of his shoulder.
It’s one thing to battle it out in the trenches with the pinkie taped to your ring finger, it’s quite another to be asked to throw a football. Oh yeah, throw it accurately and with velocity. In case you were wondering, Anthony Munoz is the guy on the right in the above picture. Let just hope Tony Romo knows a better surgeon than Mr. Munoz.

Onto the picks.

TEN -9 vs KC

You think it was a little awkward in the locker room after Tony Gonzalez didn’t get traded this week? Was it a bit like Andy Duphrene walking back into the yard after a date with the sisters? Quick story, we had a broker who worked in our office back about ten years ago. He was fairly new to the business and wasn’t doing very well, one day he wore a yellow shirt under his dress shirt and got heckled pretty bad for it. So he decides to quit, as he walks out of the office, we can see him get into his car to drive away, only his car wouldn’t start, So he has to get out and walk home, while we watched him from the window, now that was awkward. I’m not saying Tony Gonzalez walking back into that locker room was quite that awkward, but it might’ve been close. Take the Titans.

NYG -10.5 vs SFO

If we’ve learned one thing about the NFL it’s that it’s hard to go east and play the early game. Something tells me the Giants are going to be a little upset about the Browns debacle last week and take it out on JT O’Sullivan. Not good times for the Niners. Take the G Men.

HOU -9 vs. DET

As bad as the Lions have been at home, they’ve been worse on the road. Let’s just say if you’re Matt Millen and the mayors of Minneapolis, Green Bay and Chicago all offered to give you a key to the city, you haven’t done a great job as a GM. Take the Texans.

WAS – 7.5 vs. CLE

Which of these teams is for real? The Redskins go out and beat the Cowboys and Eagles on the road then lose to the Rams? Cleveland stinks up the joint for 5 weeks, while simultaneously killing fantasy teams across the country. Has there ever been more fantasy team killers on one team? They’re like the bizarro 2004 Colts. I’ll take the Browns and those 7.5 pts but I don’t feel great about it.

NEP -3 vs DEN

On paper the Broncos should walk in this game, they have the better offense, and should be able to shut down Randy Moss with Champ Bailey. But can the Broncos stop the run? This feels like one of those classic Belichek games where Sammy Morris has 45 carries and they dominate time of possession something like 39min to 21min. I’ll take the Pats, plenty of good karma going through Beantown lately. I mean if the Sox can come back from down 7-0 in the seventh to the Rays. Anything can happen, take the Pats.

Other Picks

San Diego + 2 at the Bills
Pitt -9.5 at the Bengals
Miami -3 vs. Baltimore
Dallas minus whatever vs. Rams
Chi -3 vs. the VIkes
Saints +3 at Carolina
Jets -3 at OAK
Colts -1.5 at GBP
Tampa -10.5 vs. SEA


Penn State – 55 vs Michigan*

I haven’t seen a Michigan team this bad since the Fab 5 got the entire basketball program put on probation in the 90’s, yeah that’s right I had to find a different sport to equate the proper sucktitude. This might be the worse Michigan team since the forward lateral was legalized, although we did finish 0-3 in 1881 after humbling losses to Harvard, Yale and Princeton. The Wolverines scored a total of 4 pts that year. ( eerily similar to this year)
So the lone bright spot of 1881 was two safeties. Things will get better, and with a bedrock coach like Rich Rodriguez running the program you know he’s going to see this through. No way he’d leave the program and abandon his players…. No way.

Until next week when we get investigative report on tailgating in the Big Ten from Wally Solbchak. -Dickie

* line approximate

If Dickie Dunn wrote it, it’s gotta be true.

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