Friday, October 31, 2008

week 9 picks- The Smell from the backseat was sumthin awful."

Dickie Dunn here.
Remember when the Griswold's hijacked Wally World or got busted? Roy Wally and Clark were talking about that trip to FL ? Roy curled his nose up at the thought of the smell coming from the back seat? I bet the backseat of that station wagon had nothing on the Saints locker room on drug testing day. What'd they have 3 guys busted for taking banned diuretics? My God. I'm getting woozy just thinkin about it. I took my lunch to work one time and forgot the tupperware container in my backseat for a week afterwards. I imagine the smell of cracking that baby open was comparable. Even Grady Jackson got busted. He got busted for performance enhancers. must have been in training to take on Joey Chestnutt at Nathan's next year. Is nothing Sacred?

Onto the picks...

Jacksonville - 8 over Cinci.

You could probably double this line and I'd still take the Jags. Cinci looks awful. I had Chris Perry in my fantasy league and dropped him after week 3. Actually that's not true I traded him, straight up for a box of old partially used rolls of athletic tape and a cassette tape of ZZ Top Eliminator. I stand by my decision.

St Louis +3 over Ariz.

Jim Haslett has the boys playing pretty well over the last few weeks. It's like Lou Brown said in Major League, "the veterans are starting to play back to form and the rookies are coming along faster than expected" Let's just hope they don't have a picture of a half naked Linehan in the locker room.

Ten -4 1/2 over Green Bay

I think the Titans are for real. Who knew Vince Young was the problem. I mean his stats were bad but they'd win right? At least that's what Vince's agent is saying. It's hard to say what career path VY's going to take. I mean is he the next Mike Vick? or Akili Smith?

* Editor's note, Dickie is referring to Mr Vick's play on the field and not his legal trouble. He's not implying in any way that Vince Young is involved in illegal dog fighting or anything of the sort.

Den - 3 1/2 over Miami.

No way the Broncos lose at home after two weeks off. Double edge sword for me here because Broncos fan always starts talking Super Bowl after every win so I guess I'm gonna have to hear it this week. As long as Jay Cutler can keep his Diabetes in check the Donkeys should win this one.

Dallas +8 1/2 over NYG.

No way Dallas should even be able to compete. The G-men should have too much on either side of the ball. BUT, 8 1/2 is a lot of points in an NFC East match up. and besides isn't Wade Phillips coaching for his job this week after the ole' kiss of death vote of confidence from Jerry Jones? That's like the death knell of any coach. I mean Hitler gave Poland's leaders a vote of confidence saying he wouldn't invade their country on Aug 23, 1939. Guess what happened one week later? Hitler invaded Poland. Let's just say Wade might want to start winning some games....soon

Pats +6 1/2 over the Colts

this game would be sweet if it was 2002. This game reminds of Evander Holyfield, he still looks like he can fight but man he doesn't slip the jab like he used to. Let's hope these guy can channel Toby Keith. "Not as good as they once was, but as good once as they ever were." Let's just hope no one gets hurt in this one.

Philly - 6 1/2 over Seattle.

You never know which Philly team is gonna show up. But I'm pretty sure you always know which Seattle team your getting week in and week out. Let's just say it ain't the '84 Niners. Take the Eagles in "party never stops" for Philly fans.

Other games I didn't expound upon.

Texans +4 1/2 over Minny
TB -9 over KC
Cle - 1 1/2 over Balt.
Chi - 12 1/2 over Det
Atl -3 over Oak
Skins - 2 1/2 over Pitt

Hopefully we get some pick from Wally this week, he's been out of town watching his ex-wifes schnauzer. Don't laugh it's a f(*kin show dog with f&*kin papers you don't board show dogs Dude. Dickie out.

If Dickie Dunn wrote it, it's gotta be true.

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