Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Week 13 Picks- Wed Special

Dickie Dunn here to handicap the three Thanksgiving day games for you. But first, some food for thought to help you decide on strategy for bingefest that is Thanksgiving. Don't load up on Mashed Potatoes or Stuffing. They are integral parts of your plate to be sure but best kept in a supporting role. Similar to Vince Vaughn. Save plenty of room for your Turkey, always grab an extra piece of white meat you can snack on while you're waiting for the rest of the goodies to come around the table. Keep an eye out for that special dish that someone makes only for the Turkey day occasion. At the house we're going to it's the sweet potatoes. But keep an eye out for mac and cheese. or hash brown casserole. I don't know exactly what that dish will be at your place but, you will and that's the point. Focus on the 6 or 7 things you know you'll like. Don't try to sample every item in the inventory you'll get too full too fast and won't truely enjoy the things that you like best. Last two things, any guy worth his salt can handle seconds and save the desserts table for halftime of the second game just when you body is adjusting to being so full. Keep all this info in mind and you'll have a great Thanksgiving. With that, onto the picks.

TEN at DET (+11)

This pains me but, I gotta go with the Titans here. Detroit just sucks too bad. Maybe you can get away with a DET first half bet. If I'd known that the my experience watching the Lions would peak with Reggie Ball and Mel Gray Jr. I would've paid closer attention in the early 90's.

SEA at DAL ( -12.5)

Lots of points here but I think the 'boys cover this one. How excited is Seattle to play in this game? on a scale of 1-10? I'd say about a 1.5, tops. Unless they're putting Leon Lett's jersey into ring of honor, take Dallas.

ARI at PHI ( -3)

It's never good to travel from the west coast to the east to play a game. and it's even worse to do it with a short week. Let's put this in perspective. The Cards played the late game on Sunday. Most teams usually get Monday off, then Tues, Wed to put in the game plan. Refine it on Thurs and Fri. Travel and/or do walkthrough on Sat. Play on Sunday. No off day on Monday. Tuesday to put in the game plan. Wednesday refine and travel. Thursday AM walkthrough, and play that night. Tight schedule to say the least. Not sure how they do it but I gotta take the Eagles. Unless they bench McNabb, then I took the Cards.

Have a Happy Holiday,
Dickie Dunn

If Dickie Dunn wrote it, it's gotta be true.

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